Remini App Crash: Fixing Problems Of Remini App Crash 

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Are you fed up with the problem of the Remini app crashing continuously? don’t worry, I’m here to give you the solution to this problem. Normally it’s a common problem in Android apps, they may crash because of several reasons. 

I will guide you comprehensively with each trouble like facing problems in saving images, app crashing and many more. 

After reading this article you will be able to solve all your Remini app related issues. you can also read a detailed guide to get Remini Free Trial.

Resolve Remini App Crash Problem 

If your app keeps crashing then follow these given steps. I hope you will find an authentic and permanent solution after reading this. 

Restart your Android phone 

Restart your Android device. By doing this a lot of problems might be solved. Restart helps to clear temporary glitches. It will restart all the software and processes from scratch that are running on your device. 

Clear the cache of the Remini app 

 Sometimes apps restore important files and data for better performance. Due to this reason, Remini may show glitches. For this follow these steps. 

  •    Select Remini app 
  •    Go to “app info” 
  •     Press the “storage” button 
  •     Press “clear data” and “clear cache”

Update to latest version  

Sometimes android apps show problems because of their older versions. Older versions may have some bugs. For this problem, you have to update the app to its latest version. You can download the Remini latest version from here

Storage problem

If your device has some memory issues then it may cause problems. Due to insufficient storage, the app is not able to be downloaded on your device. If it is already downloaded, then it might cause problems in updating to its latest version. So for smooth running of the Remini-AI Enhancer app, kindly spare your storage first.

Reinstall Your Remini Application 

 After applying all the above solutions if your app keeps showing errors then uninstall the existing APK file or iOS app. After uninstalling, reinstall Remini-AI Enhancer app or Remini MOD APK. In this way, all the settings and programs will restart from scratch. 

Internet Connection Errors

If your Remini mod APK or iOS Remini version showing “ oops something went wrong” then there might be an issue in your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. For this let me guide you. 

  1. Switch off your Wi-Fi or mobile data.

  2.  After this switch on your Wi-Fi or mobile data. 

  3. Check your internet speed. Are the signals strong enough to run the app online ? 

  4. Restart your router network. After these checks and balances, I hope your Remini mod APK starts working smoothly.

how to fix Remini app crash problems

How to fix “Image not saving in your Remini’s 

Sometimes remini editing app doesn’t allow their users to save enhanced images. For this issue consider these points. 

Check your device storage. Your device may have insufficient storage that causes problems in saving edited pictures. 

Remini permissions  

 Every Android and iOS app requires permissions to work properly. If you don’t allow your remini app certain things then it may cause some problem in saving images. Follow these given steps to work smoothly on Remini app. 

  • Press Remini app and hold it for a second 
  • Go to “app info” 
  • Tap on “permissions”
  • Then “allow storage” for saving and editing pictures smoothly

Precautions for future problems   

Update your device software

For the smooth running of your Remini app or any other android or iOS app, always update your device software. This will help you to update all your apps to their latest versions. 

Go to your phone setting

 Press on “ system “ update 

If there is any update available, your device will update to its latest version. 

oops! something went wrong. solve Remini crashing problem fix problems of Remini App Crash


This problem can be caused due to multiple reasons. If your remini doesn’t recover from all above practices, then you can contact Remini’s official support. They will provide you with the authentic solution.

 Open Remini app 

  Go to settings 

Press the “ contact support “ 

You can tell them your problem and they will guide you accordingly. 

 You can also contact them on their official website. 

 It may be because of multiple reasons. 

Clear Remini-AI Enhancer “ app data “ and “ cache “ 

Update your remini mod apk to its latest version 

Clear your device storage 

Reinstall Remini mod APK 

You can update your remini version 

You can read the above article for further solutions. 

Yes, it can work if you use Remini’s older versions. 

In some old devices Remini doesn’t work properly. 


Isn’t it frustrating when the Remini app keeps crashing ? It may be because of certain problems. Clear “ app data” “ cache”. By doing this problem can be fixed. Update the Remini app to its LATEST version. Clear your phone storage 

 By following these troubleshooting steps, you can fix Remini app. These are temporary glitches or sometimes bugs that cause problems. Contact Remini official support for guidance. For a deep dive you can read this article.

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